“The results are simply stunning. There’s nothing better than having a healthy, glowing, happy horse.”
Elizabeth has had a swag of wins and championships with her team of beautiful horses, but one particular win stands out for an unexpected reason.
In December last year, Elizabeth and her stunning young hack, Warrawee Impresareeo, bagged Reserve Champion Open Hack at his first major show. Included in his winnings was a Kelato Prize Pack containing GastroAID Recovery, Kelato’s premium gut supplement. Elizabeth soon realised that while her win was great, this prize was an added windfall.
Her eye-catching young black hack, fondly known as King Prez, was easily upset by the little things. Starting as a newcomer can be stressful and Prez would become anxious about his preparations, travelling, new environments and other factors known to stress horses and ponies.

Elizabeth found his unwillingness to eat was often an early indicator of his underlying stress and this would set her alarm bells off. “We were trying to condition him to give him the right start as a newcomer. Getting him to eat more was very important,” Elizabeth said. She was looking for a solution. “Realising I had Kelato GastroAID Recovery on hand, I decided to get him started on it right away.” Elizabeth witnessed changes in Prez’s appetite, attitude and physicality quickly. “He began to eat every bit of his feed, he was less tucked up and his temperament was better. Knowing his tummy was healthy and happy really made life easier for him,” Elizabeth eagerly reports.
After being on GastroAID Recovery for only a matter of weeks, winning in December was quickly followed up at the SHCV in early February with outstanding results. At only his fifth show, Warrawee Impresareeo won Champion Debutante Open Hack and Champion Open Large Hack. Elizabeth was naturally thrilled. This major win was reinforced soon after at the Barastoc HOTY 2021 winning the Champion Newcomer Large Open Hack and the prestigious Champion Open Large Hack. Winning this title earned them a much-deserved place on the Victorian Team for Nationals and SHCV Horse of the Year 2021. The future is very bright indeed for this stunning newcomer hack and Elizabeth appreciates the link between his overall well-being and gut health.

When it comes to horse supplements, Elizabeth always wants to be certain of results before outlaying valuable dollars. The confidence to know a product works alleviates lots of stress on horse owners who have a nervous horse, are travelling a lot and competing often. Winning GastroAID Recovery and putting it to the test before she bought it was a game-changer. All her horses are now experiencing the benefits of good gut health with GastroAID Recovery.
The results are simply stunning and Elizabeth sums it up in her own words, “I feel if their insides are happy and healthy, then their outer picture will glow. There’s nothing better than having a healthy, glowing, happy horse. If you haven’t got a tub of GastroAID Recovery, go out and buy one. I haven’t been this happy with a product for a long time.”
GastroAID Recovery is Kelato’s ultimate supplement, targeting both foregut and hindgut health, supporting recovery from gastric ulcers and other common digestive conditions. GastroAID Recovery helps your horse’s gut better cope with the stresses of exercise, stabling, travelling and competition.
Want to find out more? Head to the GastroAID Recovery and GastroAID Everyday page, get in touch on 1800 KELATO or email technical@www.kelato.com.au