Anna and Astro

From Glandular Ulcers to Completely Clear

Astro’s Story

What happens when you buy the horse of your dreams and his behaviour changes drastically? Anna MacMillan describes her experience and how she got her super horse Astro back.

The Issue

When Anna MacMillan bought her handsome Warmblood Astro 12 months ago, she was thrilled with just how super he was. Not long after though, he began to get ‘a little upset’ and his behaviour changed dramatically. What had happened to her super Astro?

Searching for answers, he was scoped and, sure enough, her dream horse had glandular ulcers!

The Solution

Administering a course of veterinary treatment, Anna then began the search for a supplement to include in her toolbox for the management of future ulcers. She came across Dr Ben Sykes’ informative videos and webinars discussing squamous and glandular ulcers. Following his GastroAID Recovery recommendation, Anna immediately introduced it into Astro’s feed daily and the results were nothing short of great.

The Happy Outcome

Scoped again after veterinary treatment and 3 months on GastroAID Recovery, he was clear of ulcers and back to his super self! A great fan of Dr Ben Sykes, world leading authority on EGUS, Anna continues to enjoy the education Kelato has to offer on the topic. On behalf of a very happy Astro, Anna says, “Thank you Kelato. We would not have been able to do it without GastroAID!”

Want to find out more?

If you think your horse may benefit from GastroAID Recovery as Astro did, head to the GastroAID Recovery page, get in touch on 1800 KELATO or email

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